Technical assistance for the National Authority for Occupational Standards, Assessment and Certification (KOSAC) of Kuwait
- Client:
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
- Service:
- Consultancy
- Runtime:
- 01-11-13 – 31-12-14
- Country:
- Kuwait
Interim evaluation of a vocational training programme in Afghanistan
- Client:
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
- Service:
- Evaluations, studies and expertises
- Runtime:
- 01-10-13 – 31-12-13
- Country:
- Afghanistan
Thematic backstopping in the field of vocational training for the employment and income focal point and network of the Swiss Development Cooperation (in consortium with KEK Consultants, Switzerland)
- Client:
- Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) Switzerland
- Service:
- Backstopping
- Runtime:
- 01-10-13 – 30-09-19
Evaluation of the "Lüüd" project – human resources consulting for craft trade and medium-sized companies in Hamburg
- Client:
- Hamburg Chamber of Crafts
- Service:
- Evaluations, studies and expertises
- Runtime:
- 01-09-13 – 31-03-16
- Country:
- Germany
Framework agreement for monitoring of programmes funded by the EEA & Norway grants (2009-2014) in 16 EU countries in central and southern Europe
- Client:
- Financial Mechanism Office (FMO) of the EEA
- Service:
- Evaluations, studies and expertises
- Runtime:
- 01-09-13 – 31-12-18
Implementation of a structure for a mobile consultancy service in Hesse for the recognition of qualifications acquired in other countries
- Client:
- Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS), Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Federal Employment Agency
- Service:
- Concept development, Consultancy
- Runtime:
- 01-09-13 – 31-12-14
- Country:
- Germany
Network for Vocational Education and Training in Renewable Energy (NetVET-RE)
- Client:
- Leonardo da Vinci Partnership in the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission
- Service:
- Concept development
- Runtime:
- 01-08-13 – 31-07-15
- Country:
- Germany
Mid-term evaluation of an apprenticeship programme (dual system) in the leather sector in Bangladesh
- Client:
- Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Switzerland
- Service:
- Evaluations, studies and expertises
- Runtime:
- 01-07-13 – 31-07-13
- Country:
- Bangladesh
Backstopping services for a programme in the field of vocational training and youth employment in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Client:
- Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Switzerland
- Service:
- Backstopping
- Runtime:
- 01-06-13 – 30-06-14
- Country:
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
Backstopping of the project "Encouragement of social cohesion by means of a 'welcoming culture'"
- Client:
- Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) / Implemented by: INBAS GmbH in cooperation with INBAS-Sozialforschung GmbH, Frankfurt
- Service:
- Backstopping
- Runtime:
- 15-03-13 – 31-12-15
- Country:
- Germany
Preparing unemployed young adults for the external examination (Externenprüfung) towards receiving a vocational training certificate- in cooperation with the Bremen Chamber of Crafts (NQVorE)
- Client:
- Senator for Economy, Labour and Ports Bremen
- Service:
- Consultancy
- Runtime:
- 04-03-13 – 31-12-15
- Country:
- Germany
Facilitation of a re-planning workshop for a non-formal training and labour market integration programme for young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Client:
- Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Switzerland
- Service:
- Consultancy
- Runtime:
- 01-03-13 – 31-03-13
- Country:
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
Interim management of a vocational training centre in Palestine
- Client:
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
- Service:
- Programme and project management
- Runtime:
- 01-03-13 – 30-06-13
- Country:
- Palestine
"BIT inclusive – Barrier-free information technology for inclusive labour"
- Client:
- Deutscher Verein der Blinden und Sehbehinderten in Studium und Beruf e.V. (DVBS)
- Service:
- Backstopping
- Runtime:
- 01-02-13 – 31-08-15
- Country:
- Germany
"BIT inclusive – Barrier-free information technology for inclusive labour"
- Client:
- Deutscher Verein der Blinden und Sehbehinderten in Studium und Beruf e.V. (DVBS)
- Service:
- Backstopping
- Runtime:
- 01-02-13 – 31-08-15
- Country:
- Germany
Evaluation of a programme for technical and vocational education in rural areas of the Congo (RDC)
- Client:
- Belgian Technical Cooperation (BTC)
- Service:
- Evaluations, studies and expertises
- Runtime:
- 01-02-13 – 30-04-13
- Country:
- Congo, Democratic Republic of
Formulation of a programme to support technical and vocational education and training in Kisangani and the Tshopo district
- Client:
- Belgian Agency for Technical Cooperation (BTC)
- Service:
- Evaluations, studies and expertises
- Runtime:
- 01-02-13 – 31-05-13
- Country:
- Congo, Democratic Republic of
Organisation and facilitation of a workshop for the mentor programme "Berufseinstiegsbegleitung" of the BMAS
- Client:
- Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS)
- Service:
- Event management
- Runtime:
- 17-01-13 – 17-01-13
- Country:
- Germany
Coordination of the Network "Integration through qualification" in Hesse (IQ)
- Client:
- Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Federal Employment Agency
- Service:
- Programme and project management
- Runtime:
- 01-01-13 – 31-12-14
- Country:
- Germany
Development of a new vocational training programme for disadvantaged youths in Honduras
- Client:
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
- Service:
- Concept development
- Runtime:
- 01-01-13 – 31-12-16
- Country:
- Honduras