Digital programmes in vocational education and training in Honduras
On behalf of GIZ, involas is implementing the service package “Digital TVET-offerings” in the context of the bilateral Technical Cooperation project "Promotion of non-formal vocational training in Honduras (FOPRONH) ". The project aims at strengthening the Honduran Technical & Vocational Education and Training (TVET) System towards providing quality education and training oriented to the needs of the labor market and of marginalized youths. After seven years of successful implementation the project is in its final phase with a focus on consolidation and anchoring of results within the Honduran TVET system.
Our work is contributing to the project objective and intended changes. It comprises:
- Digital and hybrid TVET-offerings for formal and non-formal TVET: (a) Digitalisation of teaching and learning materials, (b) didactical-methodological design of digital and hybrid learning offerings, (c) further training of teachers and trainers, (d) establishment of digital learning platforms
- Sustainable knowledge-transfer and knowledge management: (a) reflection and documentation of results as well as products from FOPRONH and other reform initiatives in Honduras in alignment with the new national TVET strategy, (b) making results and products accessible to TVET stakeholders on a sustainable basis through a website.